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The Breaking of the Megalithic Egyptian Statues

August 13, 2023

All across ancient Egypt there are ruins of demolished statues, some of which were of gigantic size.

People look at the damage and marvel but they don’t ask themselves how it was possible to shatter such gigantic objects of stone by mere human muscle power, -and do so without leaving a trace of evidence of how it was accomplished. But the question needs to be asked. It needs to be asked by everyone, especially by Egyptologists because the answer may be a total game-changer.

But it won’t be asked because of a subconscious fear of a disturbing ‘unknown’ that might have to be confronted. That confrontation would be inevitable because if it can’t be ascribed to Nature then it has to be ascribed to human effort, -but there was no technology by which mere muscle power could break such colossal objects. So that fact would require pushing beyond the limit of limited human power to consider the possibility of a non-human force having accomplished the destruction. Read the rational for that possibility in my previous exposition: Why No ‘Good’ Explanations Exist for Egyptian Mega-Monuments

But they cannot go ‘there’ because that would require stepping into the realm of the ‘fantastical’, -and establishment Academia cannot ever allow, accept, or embrace such an option. So the question goes unasked and an answer is therefore never needed. But in the real world, it is needed, and an answer ought to be pursued and contemplated.
The simple “go to” answer, backed by nothing, is that the same people that defaced the majority of ancient statues must have extended they zealotry to the giant ones as well. They could have been very devout Jews, Christians, or Muslim who sought to honor the first and second of the Ten Commandments given to Moses (no other gods allowed, and no carved images of anything, i.e. no idols).

That ‘answer’ works until confronted with the monstrous size of the stone statues that were destroyed (not just defaced) with no evidence of tool marks. At that point it utterly fails. No amount of muscle power could overcome the massiveness of the stone and leave no trace of tool marks, yet no tool marks exist.
Nevertheless, since there is no acceptable alternative explanation, the breakage must be ascribed to deliberate human effort or an unknown force of Nature. The non-thinking observers of such destruction are comfortable enough with that conclusion that their thinking advances no further. But it should advance since that explanation is both lazy and illogical.

The facts should not and cannot be ignored forever. No human effort did that, nor did Nature.
So if human effort didn’t cause such breakage, and Nature didn’t either, then what did? Well, there’s only one possibility, and it is that it was caused by an extremely powerful shockwave, -a shockwave so strong that it was capable of overcoming the strength of the covalent molecular bonds that make hard stone so hard and durable, -bonds formed under significant heat and pressure within the Earth’s crust.

That makes sense, right? But the problem is that such a shockwave could only be produced by a very powerful impact. Such an impact could only result from two possibilities. One is that an extremely massive stone object was used to pound the statue until it fractured apart (the odds of which are zero). The other possible form of impact is that the object itself was treated like a hammer and the anvil was the hard ground beneath it.
You know what that would imply, but who is willing to go ‘there’? That implies that although such objects could not be manipulated like a hammer if simply on the ground or close to it, they would have had to be positioned a considerable height above the ground in order to strike the ground with a very hard impact, thereby creating the destructive shockwave.
Well, that’s where that last possible explanation runs into a problem, which is the fact that no means existed to raise such an object to a sufficient height to cause such an impact. So it’s a dead end. But that dead end is not the actual end. It’s just a conceptual barrier, -one that can be broken if one has the intellectual courage to do so.

That would require acknowledging that one can’t assume that no means (no technology) ever existed anywhere in the universe to raise such a weight to a sufficient height that, with its cancellation, would let the force of gravity, and impact with the hard ground, to break it.
It doesn’t take great intellectual courage to not oppose that possibility since the universe is very big and very unknown, but to go so far as to suppose and propose that such technology were ever present and active on planet Earth would be a “leap” into fantasy. Or would it?

It is at this stage that your personal knowledge of the extent of worldwide inexplicable stone mysteries and unexplained aerial phenomenon [UFOs] either leaves you at a dead end (due to ignorance), or allows your contemplation to not be stopped from drawing conclusions that perfectly explain what was made and later destroyed long, long ago by means for which we have no conventional, nor “acceptable” explanation.
But an explanation exists nevertheless. And it’s not going away anytime soon regardless of who opposes it or why.

~by Adrien Nash August 12, 2023
~Ancient Stonework Mysteries~

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